Overview: This was a 6 week course of the 3D Modeling and Animations class for GarlandISD’s distance learning program, due to the forced closure of school for the last grading cycle of the year.
Purpose: The purpose of the class was to facilitate 6 weeks of online and distance learning for the Sachse High School 3D Modeling and Animation class. The goal was to design the class following and proving the understanding of the state guidelines for the course (TEKS - Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) as determined by the TEA and adopted by my client, Garland ISD. It was also asked for the class to use KhanAcademy as a curriculum for new learning about computer animation. Thus we used the KhanAcademy computer animation course along with our own.
The timeline for the course was to be 6 weeks, with a course load of 30 minutes to 2 hours per week, per student.
Topic The topic of this class was 3D Modeling and Animation. Due to the circumstances and potential problems with technology, the specific TEKS that were chosen to be addressed include Visual Design properties, potential careers in the 3D Modeling and Animation industry, and through the use of Khan Academy; basic animation and rigging in a 3D environment.
Objective: Teach the basics of Copyright, Fair Use, the Public Domain, and how they all work together in the digital world we live in today.
Audience: Middle School to High School aged learners.
Use: Be a supplement to the regular lessons on the subject, or to serve as extra lessons for those who miss class. Website is an asynchronous learning activity that allows students to progress through downloadable activities.
Method of delivery: Google site website
Link: https://sites.google.com/view/nicholas-bade-copyright
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